찬양24라디오 (설교,찬송,복음성가,성경,찬양,CCM)

by Little MusicBox

Music & Audio


We have prepared for you who need grace all day long. Broadcasts are composed mainly of music sources that Christians usually seek, such as hymns, hymns, and gospel songs.You can listen to various broadcasts including Far East Broadcasting.Who is your favorite pastor?Pastor Chan-Soo Lee of Bundang Woori Church, Pastor Yoo Sung-Hyang of the Good Shepherd Church, Pastor Han-Hum Oh of the Church of Love, Pastor Byung-Sam Kim of the Manna Church, Pastor Dong-Won Lee of the Global Church, Pastor Yong-Ki Cho of the Full Gospel Church, Pastor Kyu-Hyeon Lee of the Suyeongro Church, Pastor Pil-Do Jeong, and Pastor Kyung-Dong Jang look!And do you have any favorite praise workers?You can listen to all of Marcus, Anointing, Jesus Evangelism, Gospel singers David and Jonathan, Cheon Gwan-woong, D-Sifles, Kim Sung-jin of Hansung Church, and non-company praises!!*Music in this app is copyrighted on YouTube and SoundCloud.